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I just want to know that is it necessary to have 90% confidence
intervals for Tmax for an immediate release dosage formulation to
establish bioequivalence.
The guidelines says 90% confidence intervals
of the geometric mean ratio of three PK parameters i.e AUC(0-t) ,
AUC(0-infinity) and Cmax between the test and the reference fall
within 80-125%.
Kindly suggest,
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Muthuswamy!
You wrote:
> I just want to know that is it necessary to have 90% confidence
> intervals for Tmax for an immediate release dosage formulation to
> establish bioequivalence.
> The guidelines says 90% confidence intervals
> of the geometric mean ratio of three PK parameters i.e AUC(0-t) ,
> AUC(0-infinity) and Cmax between the test and the reference fall
> within 80-125%.
If asking questions concerning regulatory requirements, I would suggest
adding the country you are referring to in your request.
There more than 30 different guidelines in operation worldwide; for a
collection see:
From your quote I guess you are are talking about the FDA ;-)
Comparison of 'early exposure' is only neccessary based on clinical
grounds (i.e., rapid onset of effect claimed in the label, or to avoid
adverse events). See Section III A 8 a:
'In this setting, the guidance recommends use of partial AUC as an early
exposure measure. We recommend that the partial area be truncated at the
population median of Tmax values for the reference formulation. We also
recommend that at least two quantifiable samples be collected before the
expected peak time to allow adequate estimation of the partial area.'
In other countries (European Union, ASEAN States, Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa,...) Tmax is compared (only if clinically
necessary) by a nonparametric method (untransformed data; according to
some guidelines the aceptance range has to be set based on clinical
grounds, some guidelines call for 80%-120% of the reference).
Best regards,
Ing. Helmut SchA\0x00tz
BEBAC - Consultancy Services for
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
Neubaugasse 36/11
1070 Vienna, Austria
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HPFB / FDA asks comparision of AUCreftmax with AUCtest(truncated) for
drugs which require rapid onset of action. e.g. Pain-killers.
NZ asks for 90% CI for Tmax also.
Hope this suffice
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