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[Sorry for the quiet list ;-) I've had mail server 'access' issues
which hopefully are now resolved - db]
Please guide me for following query:
We use Abacavir Sulphate for the assay purpose and following formula
is used to calculate the concentration of the active ingredient
Weight taken x Formula weight/Molecular weight x Assay/100 x 1/dilution
Where Formula weight is 670.8 (Abacavir Sulphate)
Molecular weight is 283.6 + 283.6 (Abacavir + Abacavir)
In molecular weight calculation, two molecules of Abacavir are
considered and weight of Sulphate molecule is subtracted for taking
in to calculation.
We are not clear whether two molecules of Abacavir are to be
considered or only one molecule should be considered in above formula
for calculating active ingredient in the solution.
Please guide me as to what should be the ideal method for considering
the molecular weight for such molecules where two molecules of active
ingredient are bonded with salt.
Thanks in advance
Amee Kanuga
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