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Does anyone have a reference for information on:
1) the relative amount of blood in each major organ at a given time,
including (arteries+arterioles) and (veins+venules)?
2) the residence time of blood in each of the said compartments?
Human data would be best, but animals would also be a welcome
Thanks in advance.
Paul R. Hutson, Pharm.D.
Associate Professor
UW School of Pharmacy
777 Highland Avenue
Madison WI 53705-2222
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
For volumes I usually refer to Legett & Williams (1991)
"Suggested reference values for regional blood volumes in
humans" Health Physics 60, 139-154
For average dwell times in major organs I divide the volumes
by the standard flows in Davies & Morris. I recognise that
there may be some inaccuracies in doing that (e.g. I've heard
values of 60% for the fraction of hepatic blood that is in
the sinusoids).
Maybe some PBPK readers have better values?
All the very best,
Bernard Murray, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Drug Metabolism, Gilead Sciences, Foster City CA
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