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Dear All,
We are in the process of deciding on purchase of a lc/ms or lc/ms/ms
instrument for metabolite screening/profiling. Can anyone please
elaborate on the advantages of a TOF vs. triple quad instrument? I
remember reading somewhere that tof is more sensitive?
thanks in advance,
Tai Wei
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I'm not a TOF person, but I hope the following will help. TOF gives
you a very accurate mass of your analyte (about 5 decimal places).
Usually there are very few combinations of atoms that can produce
that molecular weight. You did not describe what kind of TOF you are
looking at. You a also buy a MS/MS TOF.
I doubt that TOF would be more sensitive than a [good] triple quad.
Today you can buy also a triple quad with linear ion trap in the end
enabling MS/MS/MS operation. In a 3D [conventional] ion trap you can
do as many MS steps as you like (but loosing sensitivity on every step).
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
A quadrupole-TOF configuration is often used for metabolite ID. The
front part of the quadrupole-TOF instrument has an electrospray or
APCI type source, just like a triple quad. The TOF section of a
quadrupole-TOF instrument provides accurate mass mesurement, so
they're good for "picking apart" a molecule, and getting a pretty
good molecular formula for the pieces.
There's another instrument on the market now that's great for
metabolite ID and profiling - the LTQ-Orbitrap from Thermo. It seems
to be taking over the Metabolite ID/Profiling market. It provides
high sensitivity, high speed analysis, MSn capability, all combined
with an LC front end. Mark Sanders' group at BMS has several good
publications out covering methods using this technology. It's pretty
expensive though.
At the end of the day, you'll want to stay away from any kind of TOF
instrument for quantitation, (in my opinion). Triple Quad
instruments are still the gold standard for quantitation. Richard
King at Merck has published some excellent work using a TOF source
for rapid, early discovery quantitative analysis. But TOF is still
not there yet for reliable quantitation - regardless of sensitivity,
(again my opinion - others might differ).
The 4000 Q-Trap from Sciex might be a good compromise. It's good for
metabolite ID and profiling (sans accurate mass), and may also be
used, with the Trap turned off as an API-4000, (one of the best
triple quads for quantitation).
Best regards,
Stuart Coleman, Manager
Matrix BioAnalytical Laboratories
25 Science Park at Yale
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: 203.789.1800
FAX: 203.789.6123
Cell: 203.606.2218
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