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I have question regarding PD data analysis from sparse data point. If
I have a study, with three conc-effect data point and multiple
animals per sampling point, and I want to fit the data with a
stimulatory model, may I pool the data from all animals together to
get a better estimation of Emax and EC50? Which software can do it,
if it is applicable?
Thank you!
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If all the data points are from one animal then yes, you can pool the
data and use ordinary or weighted least squares to get your parameter
estimates. There will be no violation of any of the assumptions of
least-squares if this is the case. If, however, each data point
consists of more than 1 observation from the same animal you should
use some kind of mixed effects model to account for the correlation
between observations from the same animal.
Good luck,
pete bonate
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Without specific information regarding the data you have and what you
trying to achieve with your model - I would have to say that it is
generally preferable not to pool the data but rather perhaps consider a
nonlinear mixed effects modelling technique?
Professor Stephen Duffull
School of Pharmacy
University of Otago
PO Box 913
P 03 479 5044
F 03 479 7034
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