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I am facing the problem with Blank in mobile Phase Vial. Iam using
very common mobile phase that consist ACN:Ammonium Acetate Buffer for
transition contains m/z of 344>256. I have tried with all
possibilities includes, using brand new vial, rinsing the system with
IPA, cleaning the source, Changing column & mobile phase and by
cleaning the Injector, So is there any specific reason for getting
Mobile phase blank? or is there any chance of adduct formation of MP
for the above mentioned transition?Are there any other techniques to
remove blank in mobile phase vial other than what i mentioned above.
Let me know your expert suggestions regarding this problem.
Thanking You,
Suresh Dama
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Suresh,
What is the Auto sampler wash solution you have been
For MRM method what is Q1 m/z/Q3 m/z?
With Regards,
Veeravalli Vijaya Bhaskar,
Research Associate,
Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited,
Bioanalytical Division,
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I am using mobile phase as my washing solution and the transition
is 344>256
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Suresh,
I think you have to try out with some different Auto
sampler wash. The Solvent that you will use to make ASW should have more
solvent strength than the solvent in which you are using to dissolve the
Instead of Ammonium acetate: ACN combination you try with pure aqueous:
organic combination with varying polarities. Hope so it makes sense.
Experts comments are highly appreciated.
With Regards,
Veeravalli Vijaya Bhaskar,
Research Associate,
Aurigene Discovery Technologies Limited,
Bioanalytical Division,
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
1_What is your sample composition? Blank should be the same, instead of
that, you could enhance the response with mobile phase injection and
get a
larger "pollution".
For example, if you analyze plasma sample after acetonitrile
you should inject a blank "zero plasma + acetonitrile". You will have
real contamination value.
2_What is your auto sampler type: With my CTC I use 2 wash solvent:
one is a mix of water-acn-meoh-formic acid, second one is a mix of
No auto sampler carryover with these solvent. What is the value of your
3_What is your elution gradient: isocratic?
You could try to add a 100% organic phase in your elution program,
it works.
With Regards,
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Hi Mr Guillet, thank you for your suggestion i will try with the
washing solvents what you have mentioned and i will mail the feedback
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