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we are facing a problem with WinNonlin (vers. 5.01); the software
itself works, meaning that calculating parameters and export to word
is possible.
But whenever we are trying to save a pwo-file Winnonlin "freezes" so
that I have to close thea pplication via the task-manager.
The Problem is reproducable on different computers, new installation
didn't helped.
So does anybody out there came across a similar problem and found a
solution ?
many thanks
Dr. Dirk Scharn
Senior Scientist, DMPK
Jerini AG
Invalidenstrasse 130
10115 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49-30-9 78 93-369
Fax: +49-30-9 78 93-105
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
I just finished a validation of WinNonlin version 5.0.1 and we did
not have this problem. There must be a conflict with specific software you
are using.
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there may be what I call a 'bug' in your input file which ends up in
the output file. I have had problems with saving and with accessing
existing files as well.
In my experience, you sometimes have this 'bug' (whatever it may be)
when the input file is created by electronically loading an .xls file
(from an analytical lab) which may have hidden codes in it. Sometimes
it works to just export your input file to MS word and then paste
values back to a fresh .pwo file and run your calculations again. I
also often get messages that 'there is an unexpected ending of my
file, and do I want to fix it? I do not understand how this comes
about because I may have accessed that file several times already,
And a tip: do not use commas in an input file when you want to run an
ANOVA, it will not work.
Regards, Frieda
Frieda Ebes,
Senior Pharmacokineticist
Kendle International B.V.
Bolognalaan 40
3584 CJ Utrecht
the Netherlands
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