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Dear All, I got these results using WINNOLIN to analyse my data for p'cokinetic of orally Amodiaquine in malaria patients (600mg daily for 3days)
AUClast - 23.1749 Lambda_z - .0033 Lambda_z_lower -48.0000 Lambda_z_upper - 168.0000 t1/2 - 207.6247 AUCall - 23.1749 AUCINF(observed) - 61.8379 AUCINF(observed)/D - .1031 AUC_%Extrap(obs) - 62.5232 Vz(predicted)/F - 2906.3652 Cl(observed)/F - 9.7028 AUCINF(predicted) - 61.6543 AUCINF(predicted)/D - .1028 AUC_%Extrap(pred) - 62.4116 Vz(predicted)/F - 2915.0201 Cl(predicted)/F - 9.7317 AUMClast - 2036.3124 AUMClast - 2036.3124 AUMCINF(observed) - 20112.7794 AUMC_%Extrap(obs) - 89.8755 AUMCINF(predicted) - 20026.9392 AUMC_%Extrap(obs) - 89.8755 MRTlast - 87.8673 MRTINF(observed) - 325.2502 MRTINF(predicted) - 324.8264
1.Which figure will I pick for my AUC,AUCinf. Vd and CL 2. What unit would Vd and CL have (my unit of concentration extrapolated from calibration equation = ng/ml, time = hr) 3. I wonder if the values of Vd,Cl gotten are within range.I am a first time user of the software Kindly help me out. Muyiwa B.Pharm
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Hi Muyiwa,
Your AUC has to be defined with respect to the time you want it covered i.e. AUC0-t. The AUCall in your parameter list is the AUC based on all your available sampling time points (i.e. without extrapolation)
The AUCinf you likely need for your data is the observed AUCinf i.e. the 61.8379 ng.h/hr number.
Since you are dealing with oral admin, you are actually estimating Vz/F or CL/F which are the 2906.3652 and 9.7028 numbers respectively.
The units of the latter depends on the dose units you entered in the model. As for whether the values you got are reasonable, you may need to compare your values to literature values e.g. a package insert of amodiaquine may give you such numbers. I think Amodiaquine half-life is quite short since it is rapidly converted to its metabolite. The half life in your data suggests a longer one than would be expected for Amodiaquine. Are you sure Amodiaquine was measured or its metabolite?
Hope you find this helpful.
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Thanks Niyi.
The data is for the metabolite, DEAQ.
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