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Dear friends,
I would like to know Cmax of aspirin and salicylic acid for 80mg
enteric coated tablets.
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You mean if you actually get quatifiable levels?
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Dear Chandru,
Please see the link below it may be useful to answer your quieries.
Any way Brief pharmacokinetic properties of enteric coated Aspirin are
summerized below:
Pharmacokinetic propertiesPharmacokinetic properties
In a bioequivalence study comparing the pharmacokinetics of the 300mg
product with 4 x 75mg presentation in human volunteers, measures such
as terminal phase half-life, area-under-the curve and peak plasma
concentrations were recorded on days 1 and 4. On day 1 salicylate
reached a peak plasma concentration of between 10.34 and 31.57 mcg/ml
and between 11.76 and 27.47mcg/ml for the 300mg and 75mg tablets
respectively. Time to peak concentration ranged from 4 to 8 hours and
from 3 to 6 hours respectively. AUC ranged from 54.0 to 131.2 and from
64.3 to 137.6 h.mcg/ml respectively. The terminal phase half-life
ranged from 1.33 to 2.63 hours and from 1.47 to 2.59 hours
respectively. On day 4 Cmax varied from 15.01 to 48.97 mcg/ml for the
300mg tablet and from 11.26 to 60.21 mcg/ml for 4 x 75mg tablets. Tmax
ranged from 4 to 8 hours and from 3 to 8 hours, whilst AUC ranged from
89.8 to 297.4 h.mcg/ml and from 61.5 to 293.4 h.mcg/ml respectively.
Vivek M K Dubey
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Dear Chandru,
Please, see also the link below, which may be useful to answer your
With best regards,
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