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Hello group members,
Just a quick question. Is it alright to use PEG for oral
administration in rats? If so, what is the max concentration suggested?
Thanks in advance,
Alene McCoy
PhD Candidate
Program in Pharmacology and Toxicology
School of Pharmacy
Washington State University
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear MCcoy,
You can use PEG for oral administration in rats. You
can use it up to 40%.
Hope I had answered your query. Any doubts do revert back.
With regards,
Vijaya Bhaskar. V
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Hi, Alene
I don't know which MW of PEG you used in your study.
In my experiments, I used PEG 400 and the concentration could be upto
50% for oral administration. No any side-effect was observed after
administration of PEG400.
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Dear Vijaya,
Could you provide us a reference to support that value [of 40% - db]?
Thank you in advance.
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Vijaya Bhaskar:
It's not enough to say 40%.
Do mention for what dose volume it is 40%.
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Can possibly cause some hemolysis.
Stanley Cotler
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