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Dear All,
I m testing performance verification of column in
Shimadzu LC-2010c. Whatever column I am performing,performance
verification failed.Please give ur suggestion to this issue.
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Give more detail: like the it joke: is it plugged in? Is it turned
Give more detail and we may be able to help.
Edward F. O'Connor, PhD
78 Marbern Drive
Suffield, CT 06078
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What does your performance evaluation include and what is failing?
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Can you explain the experiment you are doing?
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear Vijay Kumar,
The information is incomplete, though I would suggest you to first
check other HPLC parameters like, Pump flow, Pressure fluctuation etc.
Also purge the system thoroughly first with hot (40 0C) water followed
by IPA and then with methanol before you start.
As you have tried different columns and all are failed, hence I think
this is surely a problem with the system not with the column.
Sudipta Basu
Senior Research Scientist (DMPK-Bioanalytical)
Sai Advantium Pharma Ltd.,
Pune - 57.
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
No sepcific request,
Before run,
You could shoot a LOQ std to check the retention time and signal
intensity. You could also shoot 3 to 5 same std to check percent CV.
If you means the whole run, you could include QC samples, for that FDA
guidaline could give your information.
Hope this help.
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