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I am very new to this so I hope my question isn't too silly-
Is there a way to dose correct for body weight using NCA in
Winnonlin? I am looking at a pre-clin study with three dose groups
(low/mid/hi) and a protocol stating NCA will be used. The dosages
were a set amount of test article but the body weights of the rats
were fairly broad. How can I account for this? Any help would be
greatly appreciated!
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Hi Mat,
You have two options. You gave a "set amount of test article"
irrespective of body weights so you could either.
A) use that dose as it stands, and then normalise the final parameters
of interest by body weight after
B) Normalise the dose before commencing your NCA.
Personally I would proceed with (a) in your circumstances but the
process to normalise those values is the same concept either way.
If you are using 'classic' WinNonlin i.e. Version 5.x then after
NCA use the Tools|Multi-Transform and, selecting Final Parameters sheet,
add as many Transform steps as you need to normalise Cmax, AUC etc by
the column Body Weight.
If you are using Phoenix WinNonlin i.e. Version 6.1 then after
NCA, selecting Final Parameters sheet, and use Send to add Data> Column
Transformation to normalise by body weight.
In either version you can use the Table Wizards to easily
tabulate and summarise your Low, Medium and High dose groups for your
actual report. Note if you want to learn more about how to use the
software then you may wish to consider one of Pharsight's training
Introduction to WinNonlin v6.0: 8-10 Dec, Paris, France.
Best regards,
Simon Davis
Senior Scientific Consultant
Pharsight- A Certara(tm) Company
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