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Can someone help me with any available on-line resources with step-by-
step process for running compartmental modeling in S-ADAPT.
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear colleague
Please see above a link to a full workshop Chee NG and I provided last
April. It contains step by step examples how to perform population
analysis using SADAPT.
POP-PHARM is providing also consulting with that regards.
If you are interested in extensive modeling, then we have an upcoming
workshop on April 14-15.
Information about the upcoming workshop on SADAPT
Although this is an intermediate workshop to follow up on our beginner
workshop in October, if you are a beginner in S-ADAPT there will be
sufficient introductory material that you will not be left behind!
A detailed agenda and course description, as well as links to register,
are on the MoSAiC website:
Best Regards
Serge Guzy
President, CEO, POP-PHARM; Inc;
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