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Dear colleagues
POP-PHARM would like to know if there would be interest from the
Pharmacometric community in the potential development of a user-
friendly interface that would facilitate the model building in SADAPT.
The template interface would be the program I developed with its
interface (Iconus) (PDX-MC-PEM) and automatic scripting that would
built a model template which would include for examples automatic
code for population mixture, interoccasion and covariate analysis
(assuming log-linear regression for example). Simple questions would
be answered by the user and he would have the option to either run the
analysis with my program or be connected to the SADAPT engine that is
usually more powerful and gives all the outputs that are usually
needed (like standard errors, post-hoc etc...)
This project can become reality if the Population community is
interested and would be available free of charge.
This will become reality once I am getting enough interest from the
community in building this kind of facilitator.
I would appreciate if anybody interested could give me some feedback
with also desire features they would like to have implemented.
As you know, we have planned a SADAPT workshop on April 14-15 (
) and anybody coming to the workshop could ask me at that time any
questions about this new potential project. If you need more
information about the upcoming SADAPT workshop, please visit
to access to both the agenda and registration.
Best Regards;
Serge Guzy; Ph.D
President, CEO; POP-PHARM; Inc;
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