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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear group,
I know a three-compartment model following oral administration is
quite rare, but I have some data that seems like it would best be fit
by such a model. WinNonlin does not have a compiled model. It should
be fairly easy to create a user-defined model, but I'm uncertain how
to calculate the secondary parameters. Can anybody point me to a
publication or resource that lists these?
Ronette Gehring BVSc, MMedVet (Pharm), DACVCP
Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical Sciences (Agricultural Practices)
O-209 Mosier Hall
College of Veterinary Medicine
Kansas State University
KS 66506
PharmCATS Bioanalytical Services
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Dear Ronnette,
Here is a pointer to a resource: PK Solutions at
is an easy to use, Excel -based, and very
economical pharmacokinetic data analysis program that can easily
extract the exponential terms associated with a three-compartmental
model after either oral or iv dosing and produce some 75 common non-
compartmental parameter results including extrapolation to multidose
and steady state kinetics. The website describes it all, including a
visual demo, a tour of the features, a copy of the User Guide, a list
of the equations employed, and more free PK/ADMET software, tools, and
resource information.
Best regards,
David S. Farrier
David S. Farrier, Ph.D.
Summit Research Services
68911 Open Field Dr. Email:
Montrose, CO 81401 Web:
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