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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
Dear all,
I would like to know if there is any other product (apart from most common tissue homogeniser) being used to extract out drug & metabolites from various tissues. Specially I am keen for something which is high- put with some degree of automation and works at very low temperature (<0=B0C).
We have been using BioSpec- biopulveriser, works on the principle of freeze-fracturing or cryopulverization. The device is cooled in liquid nitrogen and stays very very cold. It is an excellent product but is low put and laborious to use for tissue distribution studies.
I look forward to know what is industry standard in this area where time= money.
Best regards,
Jagdish Jaiswal, PhD
ADME Pharmacologist/Research Fellow
Auckland Cancer Research Centre
University of Auckland
New Zealand
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I believe this topic has been discussed in the past. Please visit the
thread at
May be it may help you in some way.
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Have you looked at the Covaris system for pulverization. It has a
very broad range of activities that range from simple formulation
acceleration to dry pulverization. I had implemented this system in
our laboratories and found ti quite useful.
Here is a link to their website -
Sanjeev Thohan
SARx Consulting
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