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Dear All,
I have a problem with my oral (gavage) bolus PK studies in male Wistar rats (230-260g). I am getting yellowish green plasma both from drug-treated and drug-untreated groups (n =4). I have no vehicle control group in my study design. I am collecting blood (serial bleeding) through cannulated right jugular vein. Untreated controls are also cannulated. I am using heparin anticoagulant. Plasma collected (cardiac puncture) from non-cannulated controls is not yellowish green. I am allowing animals to take rest for 24h after cannulation surgery and then allowing to food fasting for 12h prior to dosing. I am using Ketamine/Xylazine during surgery. I have seen that the yellowish green colour diminishes along the study time points (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 & 24h). 12 & 24h samples showed normal plasma fluid colour. My final formulations are almost colourless and sterile filtered. I have used following vehicles in my studies: 1. 20% PEG-400 in 0.5% aq CMC, pH2-2.5 2. 2.5%DMA/10%PG/saline, pH2-2.5 3
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Dear Bera,
Infection could be the major possibility for such change in color of plasma.
How was the physiological condition of animal? Have you observed any clinical signs during post surgery (mainly related to pain and infection (edema)?)
Pain related signs:
[Provided as an image - deleted - db]
.. It will be better if you can give 48 h recovery period instead of 24 h.
.. Follow all pre- and postoperative surgical cares to minimize infection and trauma to the animal.
Prashant Nigade
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Allow at least 1 week recovery and only use if they are within 10% of their presurgury weight
-- Edward F. O'Connor
78 Marbern Drive
Suffield, Ct 06078-1533
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Some more details regarding experimental protocol, e.g., 1. premedicaton procedures, if any;
2. surgery details, including use/not use of any anaesthetic;
3. post-operative status, icluding post-operative cares as mentioned in the protocol
might be of help for any decision-making.
Dimiter Terziivanov, MD,PhD,DSc, Professor
15 Acad. Ivan Geshov st, 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria
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The following message was posted to: PharmPK
It sounds to me like you have somehow increased plasma bilirubin and caused
juandice. Bilirubin is yellow and the oxidation product biliverdin is green.
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