Abbreviation | Decoded |
ACN | acetonitrile |
AUC | Area under the Curve (usually concentration versus time) |
AUEC | Area under the Effect versus time Curve |
AUMC | Area under the first moment curve (often Concentration x time versus time) |
BCRP | Breast cancer resistance protein |
BCS | Biopharmaceutics Classification System (FDA) |
BLQ | Below limit of quantitation |
CDER | Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (FDA) |
CV | Coefficient of variation |
DESI | Drug efficacy study implementation |
DDI | Drug Drug Interaction |
EU | European Union |
FA | formic acid |
FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
FIH | First in Human |
IBE | Individual Bioequivalence |
ICP-MS | Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
ISRA | Incurred Sample Reanalysis |
IVIVC | In-vitro In-vivo correlation |
LBA | Ligand binding assay |
LLE | Liquid-Liquid Extraction |
LLOD | Lower limit of detection |
LLOQ | Lower limit of quantification |
MDV | Missing Dependent Variable (Nonmem) |
MOFV | (Nonmem) |
MRM | Multiple reaction monitoring parent and daughter transitions |
NBE | New Biologic Entity |
NCE | New Chemical Entity |
NSB | Non specific binding |
OFV | (Nonmem) |
PB | Protein binding |
PBE | Population Bioequivalence |
PIL | Patient Information Leaflet/Package Leaflet |
PFA | paraformaldehyde |
PM | Preventive maintenance |
PD | Pharmacodynamic |
PK | Pharmacokinetic |
RLD | Reference listed drug |
SABE | Scaled Average Bioequivalence |
SD | Standard deviation |
SmPC | Summary of Product characteristics |
TDM | Therapeutic drug monitoring |
UIR | Unit impulse response |
V | Variance |
Please submit suggestions or corrections to David Bourne